Day in the Life of Bobbi Rebell: Host of the Financial Grownup Podcast

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Bobbi Rebell | Host of the Financial Grownup Podcast

Show notes

In today's episode, you'll find out:

  • One piece of advice she’d give to listeners on how to live financially free life.
  • What investments you should be making now to help yourself in the future.
  • One thing she wishes she would have done when she was younger that would have set herself up for financial success.
  • Personal finance mistakes she sees people make often.
  • What she finds most nourishing about her career.
  • The struggles she has in her career as a Certified Financial Planner.
  • What being a financial grown-up means to her.
Bobbi Rebell is a CFP and host of the Financial Grownup podcast. She is also the author of the best-selling self-help/personal finance book "How to Be a Financial Grownup: Proven Advice from High Achievers on How to Live Your Dreams and Have Financial Freedom”. Bobbi is a keynote speaker, conference emcee, brand ambassador and moderator.
She is also an award-winning TV anchor and personal finance columnist and has worked at Thomson Reuters, PBS (Nightly Business Report) CNN and CNBC. Bobbi is a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania. 

Key takeaways from this episode

[bctt tweet="I think financial freedom means that you are feeling in control of your money. - @bobbirebell on the Day in the Life podcast hosted by @brittneyllynn" via="no"][bctt tweet="It's about not putting your head in the sand and ignoring it. It's about facing challenges head on. - @bobbirebell on the Day in the Life podcast hosted by @brittneyllynn" via="no"][bctt tweet="Whitespace is really important. Have breaks in between where you don't have too many things clustered together. - @bobbirebell on the Day in the Life podcast hosted by @brittneyllynn" via="no"]

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