Day in the Life of Brittney Lynn | Publicist for Entrepreneurs & Host of the Day in the Life Podcast

Affiliate disclaimer: Heads up! There are affiliate links in this blog post. What that means is if you click on a link and then make a purchase, I make a small percentage of money because I referred you. This comes at no additional cost to you. I only share products and resources that I trust and that I know will help you in your business. Grateful for your support!Today’s show is a special one because it’s the one year anniversary of the launch week of the Day in the Life podcast!I can’t believe I started this podcast just one year ago. Sometimes it feels like I just started yesterday, other times it feels like I’ve been doing this for years.I thought for the year anniversary it would be fun to share what a day in MY life looks like.My husband did the honors of interviewing me and it’s a really fun episode!I share how I started my PR business and my why behind creating the Day in the Life podcast, how I organize my business and podcast priorities, what I struggle with the most being an entrepreneur, and so much more.I’m also celebrating by hosting a week-long giveaway, so tune in to the episode to find out how to enter some of the goods!Day in the Life of Brittney Lynn | Publicist for Entrepreneurs & Host of the Day in the Life podcast: Ever wonder what a day in the life is like for a publicist? Check out this episode of the Day in the Life podcast interview with Brittney Lynn to find out! #publicity #publicrelations #entrepreneur #smallbusiness #onlinebusiness

Brittney Lynn | Publicist for Entrepreneurs & Host of the Day in the Life Podcast

Show notes

In today's episode, you'll find out:

  • How I started my PR business and advice I’d give to anyone who wants to start a business
  • The struggles I’ve had as an entrepreneur
  • How I organize my business and podcast priorities and how I organize my day
  • The best thing you can do to grow your business
  • Advice for anyone who wants to work in the PR industry
Brittney Lynn is a PR & Online Marketing Strategist for online entrepreneurs worldwide. She has nearly 10 years of experience working in the online marketing industry and has a passion for helping others grow their reach, revenue, and impact through strategic PR.She's also the host of the Day in the Life podcast, which gives a glimpse into the daily lives of people from across the world who work in a variety of industries. Stepping into the lives of these fascinating guests will encourage, inspire and challenge listeners as they share in each guest's trials and triumphs, learning that we are all connected and are more alike than we realize.She's based in Dallas, Texas with her husband and pup.

Key takeaways from this episode

[bctt tweet="I really try to remember that these people that I’m working with and that I’m helping share their story, they’re impacting thousands of people. - @brittneyllynn on the Day in the Life podcast" via="no"][bctt tweet="If you want to work in PR, building relationships is literally the best thing you can do. - @brittneyllynn on the Day in the Life podcast" via="no"][bctt tweet="Growing relationships can never go out of style. It’s the best thing you can do for yourself and for your business. - @brittneyllynn on the Day in the Life podcast" via="no"]

Links to resources

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