Day in the Life of Amber Lilyestrom, Transformational Branding Strategist & Business Coach

On today's show, I have Amber Lilyestrom who is a Transformational Branding Strategist and Business Performance Coach.I attended Amber’s Ignite Your Soul Summit event in New Hampshire earlier this year with past Day in the Life guest Alli Hoff Kosik and Amber is truly one of the most inspirational and motivational people I have met.During the episode, Amber and I discuss how listeners can lead a life that matches your core purpose, what mistakes she sees most entrepreneurs make, advice on how you can be more vulnerable in your every day life, and so much more.Excited for you to tune in and hope you enjoy!Day in the Life of Amber Lilyestrom, Transformational Branding Strategist and Business Performance Coach: Ever wonder what a day in the life is like for Amber Lilyestrom, branding strategist and business coach? Check out this episode of the Day in the Life podcast interview to find out! #entrepreneur #mindset #smallbusiness #business #motivation #inspiration

Day in the Life of Amber Lilyestrom | Branding Strategist & Business Coach

Show notes

In today's episode, you'll find out:

  • What Amber finds most nourishing about her career.
  • What she struggles with in her career as a branding strategist and business coach.
  • Her near death experience and how it drastically changed her life.
  • What misconceptions people have about her career.
  • One piece advice for business owners and people in general to lead a life that matches your core purpose.
  • The one mistake she see entrepreneurs make the most.
  • How you can be more authentically vulnerable in your every day life even when it terrifies you.
Amber Lilyestrom is a transformational branding strategist and business performance coach, writer and speaker. She has been featured in Entrepreneur and Working Mother Magazine and is the host of The Amber Lilyestrom Show podcast. She is the creator of the Ignite Your Soul Summit annual live event and multiple life-changing online programs. She helps entrepreneurs turn their passions in to heart-centered brands and thriving businesses.Amber's mission is to empower women to position themselves as sought-after experts and thought leaders through social media, engagement marketing and the creation of an online brand presence. She’s worked with thousands of women worldwide, building a seven-figure business from home, while also homeschooling her daughter with her husband and business partner, Ben.

Key takeaways from this episode

[bctt tweet="The reason why we don't know what we want is because we don't give ourselves permission to want what we want. - @amberlilyestrom on the Day in the Life podcast hosted by @Brittneyllynn" via="no"][bctt tweet="I'm not really interested in balance, I'm interested in harmony. - @amberlilyestrom on the Day in the Life podcast hosted by @Brittneyllynn" via="no"][bctt tweet="The truth of the matter is, we're the only ones that think we're not worthy. Nobody else thinks that. - @amberlilyestrom on the Day in the Life podcast hosted by @Brittneyllynn" via="no"]

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